As we all may have heard by now, the American people are in an uproar about the new bill passed in the state of Arizona. Many people from around the country have marched, protested, and even gone as far as to boycott goods and services to and from the state. Now, we all know that immigration has been an ongoing issue in this country. But many Americans ask, How far is too far?
When I first started drafting this story, I took a look at the extreme Irony at the situation. Whether you want to believe it or not, this country was founded on Immigrants. Our founding fore fathers immigrated here from, England, Spain, and France. We then declared that we are a separate country from all the rest listed with the Declaration of Independence signed in 1776. Now getting to the Irony, we, as immigrants, drove out the Native Americans so that we could live as the "new" American people. And now, here we are again, but we are on the other side, denying those who wish to seek sovereignty in this nation.
Now lets take a look at some of the "undesirable reasons" that people come here for. first off, if you are in America, and the unfortunate event that you might get in an accident, Hospitals MUST treat you. The employees CANNOT check your citizenship status, your immigration papers, or anything of the sort. Its considered "Illegal". Then there is the Millions of Tax Dollars that go into the government. Any single individual can apply for government financial aid whether legal or not. and most of the time, a family is brought, thus causing more money to go into that family and individuals. All in all, this is the typical complaint of an American citizen.
Now lets compare the current situation. Sure some of the protesters around the nation either were at some point, or now are considered "foreign nationals" in this country, but the other half or more of the majority, are "true" American people. Now the question stands among the people: "How far is too far?". And in this sad case of Irony, the American people love to point fingers at others, straying the blame away from themselves. Here are the Facts; Americans complained about immigration, and since it cannot be federally put into law, it must go down to the state level, and in this case, Arizona. Now that elected officials have actually done something about the "Problem", People want to point the finger at the Arizona people, projecting there critical remarks off on them and calling themselves "innocent" and "against the racism" by boycotting a state that offers no more than a few tours of the Grand Canyon.
I had the pleasure earlier this week to interview a Guardsman at a local Starbucks on this topic. He explained to me that Oddly enough, he worked on Operation Lone-star on the local Texas borders serving as an MP (Military Police). He explained to me that he was glad that someone is taking a stand and (Quote) "there is only so much that we can do". As hard as Soldiers and Police may try, they cannot stop every immigrant from illegally crossing the Border. and Thus, the States Power comes into Play.
Another Man I interviewed was a Student of the Local Akins High School. He explained to me that he feels that our nation, and especially the southern states would be more secure and have more opportunities than that of an open border. (Quote) "I cannot get a job this summer. Ive gone from Game-stop, to even Taco-bell looking for a low pay summer job that I can get at least some sort of money from. All of them have either turned me down, or didn't called me back, and I have a strong feeling its because a lot of illegal aliens have applied for lower wages than myself.". There is a degree of truth to the situation, and unfortunately, it affects many more people than the student level. And yet, America wants to complain about having closed borders.
Ive also gathered from other individuals that Ive interviewed, that they also feel the same way. one woman, of German Nationality, explained to me that they had a much stricter foreign policy than those of America. She said that if you were to be pulled over for a speeding ticket and suspected of being a foreign national, the police officer is allowed to check your nationality, passport, and immigration status. Not only would you pay the speeding ticket, you would be fined furthermore, and then deported. As compared to the U.S., which none of these things are legal.
So why is it that we, a modern country far ahead of many others, cannot agree with a simple bill to help secure our borders? Why must we always contradict ourselves and point the finger at everyone else? these answers may never be known.
So I challenge the American people to answer these questions. What is more important to you? Allowing our borders to be open? or to boycott a state for acting on the complaints that you throw from your couch and computer chairs. Having Tobacco chew this day, or secure your children's future jobs for tomorrow? If you look at the facts, and truely believe in what this country is for, you will find the answers for yourselves.
Americans need to make up there mind. Personally speaking, I strongly believe that this is the next step to a stronger, more secure country. Arizona has answered the people, and now they want to ridicule as far as being "Fascist" and "Nazi's". This is an unfair criticism that just goes to show who we are and what we represent.
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